
Volunteering has always been a big part of my life. My mother was a teacher’s aide and she would take me and my brothers to our elementary school to help the teachers. We would spend our days helping setup classrooms and cleaning erasers.
I saw firsthand the positive impact that volunteering had on those around me and the sense of community it created. I knew that’s what I wanted to do with the rest of my life."

Adan Ballesteros
I saw the impact of community organizing at a very young age.
At 16, I volunteered at the Johnny Rodriquez Life Enrichment Center. One afternoon, I saw a few adults in their wheelchairs just sitting around and talking. I had a football with me, so I tossed it to them and they started throwing it around.
I organized them into two sides and started playing parking lot football. From that day on, I organized them into a football team.
We started regular practices and would scrimmage. I spoke to community centers around south Texas with adults and youth confined to wheelchairs who were interested in playing football. They were able to organize teams and the Wheelchair Football League was born.

Adan Ballesteros (Age 11)
Boy Scouts of America
Corpus Christi, Texas

Professional Career
Began Law Enforcement Career in
Certified Master Texas Peace Officer
Travis County Precinct 2 Medal of Valor
Texas DPS Directors Citation for Joint
DPS/FBI investigations
Travis County Precinct 2 Community Service
Central Texas Justice of the Peace and Constables Association Deputy of the Year
Four(4) time Central Texas Justice of the Peace and Constables Association
Constable of the Year
Texas Peace Officer of the Year nominee
Three(3) time US President’s Award for Community Service
2009 City of Pflugerville Citizen of the Year Award
Community Service
Boy Scouts of America Scout Master and Unit Commissioner
Boy Scouts of America District Chair for the Blackland Prairie District
Boy Scouts of America District Award of Merit Award
American Red Cross First Aid / CPR / AED & Wilderness First Aid Instructor
Professional Organizations
International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association
Justice of the Peace and Constables Association
Texas Municipal Police Association
International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors
Teaching Experience
Commander of the Narcotics Training Section for the Texas Department of Public Safety
Certified Police Instructor
Civil Process Proficiency Certification and Instructor
Certified Police Firearms and Taser Instructor
First Line Supervisor Instructor
Law Enforcement Spanish Instructor
Raised in the Spanish language in South Texas. Stationed as a DPS Trooper and Narcotics Investigator in the Rio Grande Valley where communicating in Spanish was a necessity. Instructed Introductory and Intermediate Spanish for CAPCOG since 2001.